Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Lakescape Website

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

Project Tittle Here

motion, illustration

I surround myself with many hobbies


Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies and is the starting point of every one of my designs.  

Painting and screen printing

I have experience with everything from screen printing, painting photo-realistic portraits, and large murals.

Web design

I am familiar with html, CSS, JS, Python, PHP, Webflow, Wordpress, Github, Aquia, and I am learning more .


  • MN DAILY : current

  • Front end web developer.

  • JWDA : 5. 2015 – 8. 2015

  • Design intern and coffee boy.

  • SVZ DESIGN : 10. 2015 – 3. 2015

  • Design intern for freelance web design projects.

Enjoy what you do

Once you decide on your occupation. you must immerse yourself in your work. You have to fall in love with your work. Never complain about your job. You must dedicate your life to mastering your skill. That's the secret of success...and is the key to being regarded honorably.

— Jiro Ono

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.
Keep it simple idiot!

— Scott Adams